Monday, July 26, 2010

Everything's alright's been two days since I've written.  The lazy part of me wants to forget that I even started this blog.  And then, the socially conscious part of me thinks, No, any successful endeavor requires at the very least consistency.  Consistency.  So for the sake of consistency, I write.  Today hasn't been harrowing.  I've managed to ward off the addictive need to check my g-mail and phone by giving myself a veritable list of must dos.  I must apply to X number of places.  I must run and keep up with my physical health.  I must e-mail John Smith.  I must update blog.

Here's a running commentary in my head that might be worth mentioning.  In this blasted economy, is it worth going back to school for a professional degree?  At the moment, I'd parse this into a) is it worth it getting a professional degree and b) if it is, then what kind should it be?  With reference to a), I do think that PhDs (seeking to make the industrial switch) fall into this "weird" category where they are either inexperienced (due to their 0 years of industrial experience) or overqualified.  I'm suprised that not more PhDs are slamming their heads against their office desks for making such a poor decision early in their professional careers.  (Truly, I am not a cynic by nature; clearly, there is a gap here that must be filled.)  Having said that, which professional degree is worth getting?  For some of us (who have attempted some years of PDing, as strongly recommended by the higher ups of our profession), we would be in our 30s, which is still early.  Still, we struggle.  Yes, we have time.  Yes, we're still young. What right, therefore, have we to complain.  But we have every right.  We have every right because we have devoted 10 or so years of our lives (never mind our bodies and souls) to a profession that so clearly exists in some other planet.  In this planet, these 10 or so years are nil.  Never mind that you might have identified a gene that could solve the obesity problem in America.  If you have never performed next generation sequencing, you are basically worthless.  I agree that we are not as brilliant as we have deluded ourselves into thinking; however, we are admittedly one of the smartest groups in the nation.  At some point in our lives, we knew we could do something that might possibly change the world.  Why else would we want a PhD?  As I sit here in my kitchen counter blogging, I can't help but think, Did getting a PhD make me less of a human being?

Anyway, this post is definitely getting to that place where no man should even tread.  I will thus end this post here.  I will say though that I had a somewhat good day today.  I was "ridin' solo" during my run, which affirmed my decision that yes, wherever this journey leads, it will definitely be one of a kind.

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